The Adventure begins, Gatwick to Antigua

Relaxing in Antigua I am writing this first (and second) days blog from the balcony of our first hostel, Yellow house, Antigua. The sun is setting and the street bustle is changing it's tone from that of business to leisure. Our first day has been exciting, full of new sights and sounds. However, I would like to begin by recounting our journey. From Gatwick our first flight was to Toronto. Thanks to a lift from my Mum (@MooGardener) we managed to get to the airport with ample time to have a coffee and say goodbye. We sailed through check-in, security and before we knew it were on the plane. However due to an imbalance in the hydraulic fluid we were not allowed to take off until they replenished it. Disaster! The Toronto connection was already a tight three hour change over. We both watched the clock with rising tension as 10 min turned into an hour. An hour and a quarter later we finally pulled away and left little old blighty for our Central American adventure. The fl...