Nicaragua part 3: Phone shopping in Leon and Granada

Apologies once again for the long time between blogs, but Bryony and my time has been mostly spent in the jungles of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, away from internet. Alas, this experience is for a future blog. For now we must continue to report on our time in Nicaragua and the first parts of our Costa Rican adventures. In the last blog we had just finished at the Carpe Diem project and headed back to civilisation, also known as Leon. The first port of call was a couple of days dealing with the fact my phone was not coming back to life. After a stop at a phone repair place in the town we found out that the screen had failed. The cost of repair was greater and not as guaranteed as buying a new phone, effectively making the decision for us. Searching for a phone in Leon was an interesting experience. Nicaragua, like many of the Central American country is becoming a new market for the big phone companies. However, the price of most phones built for the US or UK markets are still pr...