Nicaragua part 2: Carpe Diem, continued from "Lots of borders and Somoto Canyon DIY"

Nicaragua part 2: Sorry Just realised we never uploaded this blog! The next day we ate some breakfast, then headed off to the bus stop to get to our Workaway. We originally intended to take a taxi, but someone tried to charge us $2 each so we decided 2km wasn’t all that far after all. We jumped on the bus to Poneloya and were surprised to find many other tourists on the bus heading to popular beach of Las Penitas which is adjacent to Poneloya. After getting off the bus, it was a quick walk to a bar where we had been told to get a boat across to the island. Isla Los Brasiles is a small peninsula, mostly made up of sand and mangroves that is separated from the mainland by a small river estuary. The boat ride took about 5 minutes with an approximately 40-minute walk through mangrove forest to reach Carpe Diem. Arriving as sweaty tired messes with unwieldy backpacks we were struck by the beautiful palapa made of wood and palm fronds, cob cabañas and the amazing beachscape less than 10 ...